Adding a Checkbox

A checkbox is a piece of text that is optional. This means that the text inside a checkbox doesn't always have to be included in your note. If you don't need the checkbox's text to be in your note, just don't check it (or uncheck it if it was checked by default).

Inserting a checkbox

You can add a checkbox by clicking this button in the toolbar:

You can also insert a checkbox using the slash menu. Simply type "/" and select "Checkbox".

The checkbox field will be added at the cursor location. Type the content.

If you want the checkbox to be pre-checked by default, just check it.

Filling a checkbox

When making a note with the template, the text contained in a checkbox will only be part of the note if you check it. The box can be in any of these 3 states:

  • Checked → the text will appear in your note
  • Checked as negative → the text will appear, with the "no" prefix
  • Unchecked → the text won't appear

To mark the checkbox as negative, 

Using the negative check

To mark a checkbox as a negative, right-click on its box. In the Settings, you can change how you want to check negatives.

When you mark a checkbox as negative, the prefix "no" is added just before the checkbox's content in the generated note.

You can customize the negative prefix in the Settings, as some users prefer to use other words or symbols like "–", "ø", or "denies":

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